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HIPAA Compliance

Navigating the challenges of PHI Security & Privacy.

Information security and privacy in healthcare is complicated. There are several layers of healthcare providers, office managers and staff, as well as medical devices and computers. The industry is at a crossroads and it is becoming more complex with time.


Understanding Compliance and Information Security

The handling of protected health information (PHI) is directly impacted by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Gaining a full understanding of these regulations and how they impact an organization can be challenging. That is where Secured Collective can help.


Beyond a basic knowledge of compliance, it is equally important to understand security and privacy and how the two work together. Our team assists clients by helping them understand the demands of each regulation and how they affect every decision. You can rely on Secured Collective to help you navigate the challenges presented by the security and privacy standards of the healthcare industry. It is a common misconception that compliance equals security. Compliance is merely an element in an information security program and should be treated as such.


As the demand for healthcare information continues to rise, it is imperative that organizations be prepared to swiftly adapt to healthcare security and privacy changes to stay compliant.


PCI (Payment Card Industry) Compliance
Helping businesses understand obligations with PCI DSS.

Information security requirements involved with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) may seem out of reach, and PCI compliance can be a daunting task. Fortunately, secured Collective has PCI certified professionals on staff that can answer all of your questions and even help you accomplish the full certification process.


Common PCI DSS Questions
  • Are we considered a merchant, card processor, or issuer?

  • Which level of compliance are we required to meet based on our annual card transaction volume?

  • What version of the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) should we file; A, A-EP, B, B-IP, C, C-VT, D?

  • A required control is too costly or burdensome, are there alternative options we can consider?

  • Are we collecting the proper evidence that sufficient controls are in place and operating effectively?

  • Can we store any of the full track (magnetic stripe) data?

  • What happens if we complete the certification but still have a breach?


Let Secured Collective navigate you through this process and augment your overall IT Security Posture.

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